The Dark Side Of A Developer

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Stop the Rolex Spam !!!

Today at office I recived a lot of spam to buy Rolex..... I no want any Rolex !!!!

So I Think how can I stop this Rolex spam on my mailbox?

1rst. Open a rolex span mail.

2nd. In Outlook (I use Outlook ) do right click and select source code.

-The code will be seen as follows:

<HTML><HEAD><META></HEAD><body><ADDRESS><A HREF=" SRC="cid:870245775413868826" border=0></A></ADDRESS><br><br><A HREF=" on In and Select a Rolex for you. [rotunda]</A></body></html>

3rd We must to surf to, and we will access to a form for unregister our email address from the spam.

This is a temporary solution. Other solution is that we configure in our Outlook filters for all the emails with the "Rolex" word as subject.

.... yes, My Master!


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